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Catalyzing Discovery
Exhibition Recap | The Festival of Biologics USA has concluded. Our team highlighted the promising future of HypercellⓇ technology.

In April 2024, our team had the pleasure of exhibiting at the Festival of Biologics USA in San Diego. As one of the sponsors, our company presented the HypercellⓇ Single Cell Sorting platform to the attendes, where we described how, using our platform, we enable users to screen single B-cells in a single day, as well as provide an end-to-end solution for our customers. This advantage was widely recognized by the attendees.
Furthermore, we gave an on-site presentation that discussed the working principle, wide range of application areas, and the market value of HypercellⓇ. The atmosphere of the presentation was enthusiastic, the audience responded positively, and our professional ability was well recieved by the participants.

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